Thursday, August 4, 2011

Zinnia Rain Bender and Happy Mother

Born August 4th, 2011, at 1:02 a.m. 
Six pounds, seven ounces.


Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Wow-how cool is she and she too !~! and you for posting this great photo !~! Many thanks. May she bring joy unknown and sights unseen to your lives.

I hope the birth went well; I see your hand there touching Z Roses’s upper arm. Isn’t that skin the softest thing you have Ever Felt ?~! Mama’s satisfied smile speaks volumes, too. I am so happy for all three of you. Brava, Mama and Pappa, too.

Talya Schwartz said...

WOOO HOOOOO!!! Fills my heart. Say hi to Zinnia from me and Ido. I miss you guys.
Love, Talya.

Anonymous said...

xoxo Amy Randolph

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE, SHE IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! WELCOME Zinnia Rain Bender, made in Oregon and born to two beautiful people. What a wonderful picture. Thank you so much for sharing. Love to you all. Missing you from Oregon. Ük

Unknown said...

I am still reeling. crying at times. Damn that was amazing. Forever grateful. After Z Rain comes Z Rainbow.

Anonymous said...

From Oregon
Candi says congratulations and best wishes
Your friends and old coworkers from BHP say GO Tom and Jenn, Welcome Baby Zinnia.