Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Birthday Poem fo Zinnia (written by Jenn's good friend, Carrie Heimer)

How to Light Your wish

It's not fat pink candles
on a frosted birthday cake.
It's not like shooting star-blaze
gone before a wish can take.
It's not like flashlights beaming
in the dark of dimming skies.
It's more like what goes flashing
in the center of your eyes.

This wish comes out of patience,
for the waiting makes it dear.
This wish is built on wisdom,
for the insight makes it clear.
This wish is grown with courage,
for the heart to make it strong.
To light this wish takes loving
which will give the wish its song.

To light this wish, you hope it
by believing hidden things.
To light this wish, you joy in
all the blessings this world brings.
To light this wish, your peace must
come in calm amid the storm.
Once lit, this wish will flame inside
and keep your vision warm.

This wish is someone's secret,
someone's deepest dream of heart.
This secret is a masterpiece,
a peerless work of art.
This artwork is your heartbeat, so
your hands, your feet, your new.
This wish, this secret art, is
someone else's best wish: you.

1 comment:

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

wow, that’s remarkable poetry. left me breathless.