Thursday, July 28, 2011


Read previous post (7/26/11) and insert today's date.

No contractions as yet, but not for lack of trying. Jenn is doing her best to speed things along. When I got home from work last nigh, she was huffing and puffing from having crammed a garbage container full with brittle pine needles, pine cones, and dead branches from the tree in front of our house. And what did she get for her effort contractions-wise? Bubkis! Nary a contraction.

It's 5:30 a.m., and the thin light of the rising sun approaches. I've been up since 4:00 wondering if today is the day.  Last night, supported by 7-8 pillows in various crevasses around her body, Jenn managed to find a position she could get some sleep. From where I sit a the dining room table, I can hear her ungentle snores and am happy for them.


Unknown said...

glad she slept - love that woman. oh and you too booger

Anonymous said...

Ü love to you both. Oregon

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

sleep becomes very precious about now; great that she could get some good rest. sending good energy from here by the Bay.