Saturday, December 22, 2012


 Speaks for Itself

 Daredevil Baby on the rocking horse her Great Grandfather made for her

Happy Girl Doing Down Dog

 Zinnia looking at Jenn through the gap in the stroller

Papa Demonstrating the Proper and Improper Way to Ride the Pony: "Zinni, you should always keep both hands on the horse ... and never play poker with your back to the door."

 Tom's Office

 "Baby's are of Nature" (This is what are Ecstatic Birthing teacher kept driving home)
 Out of Focus ... but who cares. Still cute.

 Zinnia happily playing in the dirt. She started to cry when we pulled her away after 15 minutes.

Zinnia Refused to ride in the backpack. "No, that's okay. Your shoulders will do just fine."

 Love these

Baby and Mama during the Balloon Fiesta


Anonymous said...

These pictures are most beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Love the 'Zin in the dirt picture' and your little caption. Remember George Carlin said, “All (globally) children really need is a stick and some mud to grow up normal”. I think he was ranting about all the toys they make now, the money people spend, and it really is about the simple…but that might just resonate with me because of the rain, my trees and mud….lol. Of course being a Sandplay therapist might have something to do with it too. Your office is nice. Happy wishes to you and your family. Missing you in Oregon Ü

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Sweet, Tom, thanks for the view of the young podling as she grows into her personality. Amazing how quickly that infant stage flies by. Walking and talking already !~!