I write to you, dear reader, friend of dear reader, and yes, even the milk man of the friend of dear reader, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Every so often there is a confluence of minds, a perfect storm of personalities who come together to either clash like the titans or fall hopelessly in love at first sight. I am genuinely curious as to how these two potential reactions will play out between the meeting of the precious grandchild--our dear little Zinnia--and her maternal grandmother, Barbus Benderus. Not, I might add, that I expect sparks to fly, but Zinnie is such a smiley engaging soul, and so is my mother (only, if it were opposite day), that like chocolate and vanilla, salty and sweet, Edgar Al and AnPoe, one never knows what one will get when two seemingly contradictory energies greet each other first the first time.
Jenn, Zinia and myself are currently staying under the gracious auspices of an old friend of mine. Jenn and Zinnie are upstairs napping. When said nap is compete and the Zinn-meister once again raises her reptilian head,* we will hop in our rented car and head to my mothers.
Jenn and I made the decision to visit sooner than later because, well, one never knows. My mother was unable to attend our wedding due to her health,
and I would hate for her never to meet her newest (and last)
grandchild. You see, Barb has not been doing well in the health department of late. Not terribly, mind you, especially compared to a few weeks ago, but not sterling either. She is on an oxygen tank now, and her blood pressure seemingly has a mind of it's own. And Barb's once sharp mind is a bit frayed around the edges, worn down from age and medication.
On both legs of the flight to Milwaukee, Zinnia flew wonderfully. She charmed everyone in her wake except for the cranky old guy sitting in front of her ... and myself, her father. The depth of my hatred of air travel hit a new low when I missed most of our little Miss's exploits doing to being in a half-asleep, drug stupor after taking my requisite sleeping aid.
However, enough of that. I will not self-castigate or self-flagelate in these pages. Not with Zinnia's greatest test set to come: A cage match between Zinnie the Pooh and Grandma Eeyore. Positive ion meets negative, immovable object meets irresistible force, black meets white; right meets not-exactly-wrong, and honesty and non-imbecilism meets Republicanism.
Stayed tuned, dear reader, for a blow-blow-update.